Terrordome Terrordome is fucking proud announce that after all the recording sessions and doing some other work since 2009 our debut album – ‘We’ll Show You Mosh, Bitch!” – is almost ready. That’s right!

We’ve been working on it very hard, and the overall recording process took a lot of time, and even more booze and farts than we thought. In addition to that there were much more people who worked on this album than we initially planned. Weve layed down the tracks in 3 different studios, but Psychosound Studio is the place where it all went down. Big thanks goes to our people at Psychosound Studio and Szymon Piotrowski – good job man! He’s been with us from the beginning and he definitely delivers. Special thanks goes to Studio X (in Olsztyn, Poland) and Marcin Kiełbaszewski for all the advice and help.

Our debut CD ‘We’ll Show You Mosh, Bitch!” will be released on Defense Records. It’s going to be a traditional and oldschool jewel case, and the booklet will just amaze you. It’s a masterpiece!

The album cover was designed by Remy from Headsplit Design, and all the graphics in the booklet were drawn by our main man “Biały”. Uappa put it all together and came up with one hell of a booklet!

Shouts go out to Sławek (The #1 Satanist in the World) for coming up with our badass website.

The album will have its premiere on June 18, 2011. Stay tuned motherfuckers and you can now listen to 5 promotional tracks in the player located on your right. Cheers!